Evaluating the fungicide kind and storage duration on vigor in registered seed of three barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Researcher, Seed and Plant Certification and Registration Institute (SPCRI), Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Karaj, Iran

2 Research Assistant Professor, Seed and Plant Certification and Registration Institute (SPCRI), Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Karaj, Iran


This experiment carried out to determine the effects of seed disinfecting treatments on seed quality and vigour change under 2 and 14 month storage conditions in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) c.v Usef, c.vNosrat and c.v Goharan. Experimental units were arranged factorial based on completelyrandomizeddesign and complete block designwith four replications in laboratory and field, respectevely. Fungicides seed treatments were including dividend star 036 fs on level 2 per thousand, carboxinthiram on level 2.5 per thousand and no usage of chemicals as control. The result indicated that after 2 and 14 month storage conditions Mximum and minimum normall seedling percentage was observed in c.vNosrat and c.v Goharan, respectively.Also results showed the application of fungicide on normall seedling percentage was significant under 2 month storage conditions.The highest normall seedling percentage was obtained from dividend star fungicide and the lowest one from carboxinthiram treatment. The highest seedling establishment in field condition was obtained from c.v Usef with mean 88.33 % and 65.41% after 2 and 14 month storage, respectively. Meanwhile, minimum seedling establishment in field condition was detected for c.v Goharan. After 2 month storage the highest seedling establishment in field condition (90%) was related to application of dividend star fungicide treatment.Whereas, The maximum seedling establishment in field condition (77.5%) was reported form control (untreated seeds) after14 month storage, both fungicide application which is indicated negative effect on seedling establishment in field condition after 14 month storage, also the negative effect of carboxinthiram treatment was more pronounced.


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