Peer Review Process

The process of accepting articles


1- Author registration in the system

2- Initial review by the editor on the subjective relationship with the journal

3- Announcement of the editor's opinion regarding rejection or early acceptance

4. Submit an article to referees

5. Conducting the Arbitration Process (Double blind peer review))
6- Making the necessary corrections on the part of the author of the article
7-Review by the final referee
8- Final acceptance of the article and publication of the article



User registration: First, Sign up for submitting an article. The relevant option is located on the top menu.

Each journal in the system of electronic publications of the University of Guilan has a unique password and identifier.

Register for each journal in its system and create a Dashboard.

User ID and Password: To submit the article, the user ID and password are required, so keep the mail system effortful. User ID is the author's email. If you have forgotten the password, select the "Sign In" option at the top of the screen and "forget about Password to system!" click. If you do not receive a new password, write to the executive director of the journal. Also, after entering the system, you can enter the password on the personal page of the editing section.

How to load the article into the system: Click on the "manuscript submission" option at the top of the page. The manuscript is loaded in the original file and includes all the different sections of the manuscript (abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, suggestions, conclusions, resources used and English abstract). Please be careful! figures and tables should be inserted inside the text of the manuscript. In the text of the manuscript, wherever indicated in the figure or table, the corresponding figure or table should be inserted immediately after the end of the paragraph. In the Persian and English abstracts, as well as the original filename, the authors' names and affiliations will not be included. Thanks and gratitude are not included in the preliminary review. The original file name is the English title of the manuscript.

Be careful before loading the file:

Just upload a file of the "Main manuscript text" type. Note the manuscript file, without mentioning the author's name and address.

Please upload only files with an English name. Files named Farsi will not be reviewed and will not be accepted.

The file "Additional / Additional file" will not be displayed to the referee or referees. The pledged and scanned files are uploaded as additional / extra files.

 Highlights (about the importance of choosing the corresponding author):

When loading a manuscript in the author's insert section, there is an option to determine the corresponding author. The manuscript can be uploaded by any of the authors, but the author should select the author on the page for the author's profile. After sending the manuscript, if any of the authors do not have the Dashboard system, they will be given an ID and password to the email.

After submitting the manuscript, the whole process of the file will only be visible and follow-up from the corresponding author's page in the Dashboard, and other authors will not have access to it. So, be sure to pay attention when writing the corresponding author.

First review: After submission of the manuscript, first it will be submitted to the executive director for primary review. Writing a manuscript in accordance with the format available on the site, as well as a detailed study of the "author's guide" page to resolve possible issues, is the responsibility of the corresponding author, and it is impossible to point out the points made by the expert for all submitted papers. Due to the frequent observation of similar cases, due to the lack of cooperation of some authors, the manuscript remains in the initial review phase. So please be sure to carefully read the author's guide page before completing the submission and exactly do the following. Downloading one of published papers on the site can help as a template for the corresponding author, with the exception that in the submitted manuscript for review, will be deleted the name and affiliation of the authors as well as the section of gratitude and appreciation. Apart from the following, all content is the same. The manuscript will locate in an initial review in the state of (under review) after confirming the journal Expert. If approved by the editor in chief, the manuscript will be sent to Dashboard one of the specialized secretaries of the journal and then to the appointed reviewers.

After editing the manuscript (the initial editing stage) as well as inserting comments from the reviewers (reviewing the author) when loading the original file, be sure to delete the old file and reload the new file again. In the system, only one manuscript can be sent in the main file type.

The R1 suffix inserted after the interception code means the final referee's response of the first stage (the first step of the adaptation of the manuscript) and the extension of R2 means the final referee's answer to the second stage (the second stage of the manuscript adaptation).

Example: JMS-123466-10002-R1

The files outside of the system are missing application and validity. Therefore, refrain from submitting the manuscript at the initial review stage and refining the referee's response to the journal e-mail.

How to follow the manuscript: After one and a half months of expert confirmation and initial acceptance of the manuscript, if the manuscript was in the state of {under review} and no response was received, send a follow-up email to the expert:


If the author is not sure of the allocation of the title of the manuscript in this journal, be sure to email the manuscript title to the editor in chief of the journal before submitting the manuscript and after the editor in chief approval, proceed with the submission of the manuscript:

The Iranian Journal of Seed Science and Research is published quarterly since 2014.

A scientific note or a short article is not accepted.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact with the Executive Director:

Please refrain from sending emails to the editor in chief and editorial board, follow up or follow through the professors and students of the university.