How to submit the manuscript to the journal?

In this journal, manuscripts are online submission and online referee. It should be noted that no files outside of the system are valid and applicable

How to follow the submitted manuscripts?

After a month and a half from the initial review of the manuscript and submitting the manuscript to the editor, if the manuscript was in a state of {Under Review} and no response was received, send a follow-up email to the executive manager of the journal:


Enter the interception code, the title of the manuscript, the name of the corresponding author and the name of journal.

The journal is published several times in a year?

Since 2016, the journal has been published in the form of a quarterly and four volumes in a year.

Will a scientific note or a short article be accepted?


What to do if you have a question or a problem with using the system?

Please contact the executive manager of the journal:
